“Tag represents a force for good. Tag’s initiatives around the world provide practical support to those who are in need of professional solutions to resolve often complex problems.”
“TAG is doing valuable work in developing countries, helping local organisations help their own people to respond to events that threaten their security, be they natural disasters, medical emergencies, or whatever life throws at the poorest in our world. I am pleased to offer my support to this remarkable organisation.”
James Arbuthnot MP, Chair, British Parliamentary Defence Committee
“The partnership with Tag has strengthened our community-based participatory approach, not only to ensure local needs are addressed, but also to stimulate beneficiaries’ and target groups’ participation and initiative.”
“Tag does an excellent job in seeking to share Israeli innovation and knowledge with developing countries.”
Ivan Lewis, British Member of Parliament, Shadow Minister for International Development
“Tag’s extraordinary range of projects improves the world from the bottom up by improving the lives and life chances of ordinary people the world over.”
Richard Anton, Director, Amadeus Capital Chairman, British Venture Capital Association